Tag: How to travel

  • TRAVEL TIPS | Three Weeks, One Carry-on Suitcase

    TRAVEL TIPS | Three Weeks, One Carry-on Suitcase

    Three weeks, one carry on suitcase and a tote bag. That’s how I roll. Don’t think you could ever possibly manage? Here’s how.

  • Just One Suitcase

    Just One Suitcase

    “He who would travel happily must travel light.” Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900-1944) French poet Just one suitcase.  It’s the name of the blog, but it’s also my rule of thumb for travel. One carry-on suitcase. That’s all I take, regardless of destination or length of trip. You can do it, really you can. Don’t…

  • The “Just One Suitcase” Test

    The “Just One Suitcase” Test

    My friend, Annie, is a brilliant set and costume designer, and a tenured college professor with a master’s degree from Yale. She grew up in England and Southern California, and has traveled extensively. In spite of her education and worldly experience, she has one self-admitted deficit that has plagued her for years. Annie has packing…

  • Just One Suitcase

    Just One Suitcase

      “He who would travel happily must travel light.” Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900-1944) French poet One carry-on suitcase. That’s all I take, regardless of destination or length of trip.

  • Before You Go

    Before You Go

    Even if you’re the most organized person on the face of the earth, you can run into brain overload when you’re getting ready for a trip.  In my new “How To Travel” category, I’ve come up with checklists for my packing systems.  The first one is called, appropriately, “Before You Go.”