Eye on Design | Rome | Piero Guidi

Fantastical acrobats, trapeze artists, clowns, and animals dance across handbags, shoes, belts, luggage, and even clothing in an explosion of color.

Joyous and whimsical, it’s Piero Guidi’s “Magic Circus” collection.

I’m not usually a fan of colorful prints (my style is typically monochrome and subtle), but the fanciful Piero Guidi shop windows in Rome stopped me in my tracks.  Even the mood inside the store was cheerful.

Investigating the designer, I discovered that the ambience comes from the source.  His logo has the tagline, “Angels of Our Time,” and here is how he describes it:

“Our logo, the two angels embracing, is a positive symbol. For us, the angel is love, is the spirit that supports people who are trying to change the world for the better. The spirit of the Angel we can find in the eyes of a boy, in the eyes of a desperate person, in people who fight against suffering and find strength in human connections.  Those buy our product carry a message of optimism. “

Guidi has been designing belts and handbags since the 1960’s, and his son has now joined the business as artistic director.

The bags are adorned with charms…angels and tassels…which, let’s face it, makes them even more fun.

Admiring the colorful, spirited prints in the shop is one thing…but would I actually carry one of these bags?

As a matter of fact, I found this clutch, with the “Magic Circus” print, but in colors slightly more understated than the technicolor versions.

It was perfetto!

The slogan of Guidi’s “Magic Circus” collection is, “La fantasia non muore mai!”

Fantasy never dies! 

Brava to that.


One response to “Eye on Design | Rome | Piero Guidi”

  1. Edy

    Very colorful and fun!  I can understand it would be hard to leave wihout having one.