COOL HOTELS | Budapest | Hotel Palazzo Zichy

I have learned that a hotel can set the whole mood for the experience in a foreign city.  Hotel Palazzo Zichy, in Budapest, is a perfect example of a “great experience” hotel.

The 19th century building was the former home of Hungarian noble, Count Nándor Zichy.  In the brief biography on the hotel’s website was this humorous tidbit about him:

His private teacher, Pál Szebeni writes about Nándor Zichy in a daily report.  “Painted: badly.  Rode a horse: well.  Behavior: grouchy.”

The palace was built in 1899 for the Count and his family.  The neo-Baroque architecture is still there…but now it’s updated with cutting-edge contemporary details.

The entrance to the lobby appears to be classical but, if you look closer, you’ll see that the chandelier is actually lucite.

The reception area is open to the dining room below, and to the glass ceiling above.  Gorgeous Flos “Skygarden” pendant lights hang above the reception desk.

Through arches on either side of the reception desk are alcoves with seating areas on one side, and a cocktail bar on the other.

There is, of course, an elevator, but be sure to check out the old marble stairway…a relic of the original palazzo.

The sophisticated design of the rooms is quintessential boutique hotel.  I love a hotel room with wood floors.

My view was into the courtyard, looking down on the glass ceiling into the lobby.

Located in the historical palace quarter of central Pest, the hotel is around the corner from Maria Utca, a street lined with restaurants and shops, and within easy walking distance of museums and public transporation.

The generous breakfast buffet is included, the staff couldn’t be nicer, and, to top it all off, the hotel is reasonably priced.

You can’t do better than that.

Hotel Palazzo Zichy
Lőrinc pap tér 2.
1088 Budapest

One response to “COOL HOTELS | Budapest | Hotel Palazzo Zichy”

  1. Orlene

    Do we have any hotels like this in the United States?  There’s so much architectural
    detail!  Something tells me this is the “norm” in Budapest….probably not many Super 8’s there!