When I’m in a new city, I love to try out the local cuisine in as many different restaurants as I can fit in. 

The exception to the rule was in Vienna – I discovered a charming café where I wanted to try out each and every meal of the day.

Oh, I tried other restaurants – but none could measure up to Café Diglas. 

In existence since 1875, Café Diglas is said to be the oldest café in Vienna.  It is located in the center of the city, just a few steps away from St. Stephan’s Cathedral.

The menu includes traditional Viennese fare – wiener schnitzel, sausages, tafelspitz, sauerkraut, and the most incredible pastries I’ve seen anywhere. 

Here’s a photo journey of breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Diglas.  My mouth is watering just looking at the photos again.

Breakfast: Ham, cheese, soft-boiled egg, cafe melange (Vienna’s version of a latte), fresh-pressed orange juice, bread and homemade apricot jam

Lunch: Bratwurst, roast potatoes, sauerkraut, mustard

Afternoon treat: Apple and blackberry strudel and cafe melange

Dinner: Wiener schnitzel and salad

In a category by itself is the spectacular meringue-topped bread pudding that I saw upon walking through the door one day. 

I would die for this bread pudding – it’s six inches high and served in a pool of hot vanilla custard streaked with caramel.  Need I say more?

The pastries are in a glass case just inside the entrance of the café.  I dare anyone to pass that case without ordering something. 

It is the most well-organized café I ever ever seen.  (Love when things are organized.) Salt and pepper shakers are lined up alongside an antique cash register, little glasses filled with water are waiting on a tray, and small dishes of sugar cubes sit on a tiered stand.

Colorful coffee cups are stacked on top of the espresso machine.

Newspapers and magazines hang on wooden rods along the wall. 

This chandelier is cleverly embellished with kitchen utensils.

Another one has gingham fish hanging from its arms.

The café is furnished with red leather chairs, red velvet booths, and marble top tables.  There’s tables outside, but I was so enchanted with the interior that I always sat inside.

Black and white fashion photographs on the paneled walls add a contemporary element to the setting.

Twice a week a very friendly pianist plays old standards during dinner, even taking requests. 

This little old man looked right at home finishing his coffee in his booth by the window.  I imagined that he has been eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Diglas for decades. 

If I lived in Vienna, I would do exactly the same thing. 

Café Diglas
Wollzeile 10
1010 Vienna, Austria
01 51257650

2 responses to “EXCEPTIONAL EATERIES | Vienna | Café Diglas”

  1. Eloise

    You always find the most amazing places in terms of décor, food, and ambience. I hope I develop that radar eventually like you have. How do you stay so thin eating this decadent food? You must have good genetics. Bon Appetit!

  2. This looks fabulous!  My husband just returned from Vienna on Thursday. He’ll be so disappointed he didn’t know about this gem before then.  I’ll save it for when we return there together.