Tag: Brittany

  • TRAVELING SOLO [Tricks of the trade]

    TRAVELING SOLO [Tricks of the trade]

    I’m a woman and I travel the world. Alone. (With some occasional exceptions.) Alone, I’ve stayed in a stone cottage on top of a mountain in Tuscany, an 11th-century fort on an island off the coast of Brittany, an estancia in Argentina, and a riad in Tangier. Alone, I’ve shopped in chaotic flea markets in…

  • FAVE FIVE | SAINT-MALO [the best is free]

    FAVE FIVE | SAINT-MALO [the best is free]

    I’ve often been asked, “What is your favorite place in the world?” and in all my years of travel, I never had an answer. Until now. My favorite place in the world is Saint-Malo, a town in Brittany, on the northwest coast of France.

  • BEFORE YOU GO TIPS | Booking the trip

    BEFORE YOU GO TIPS | Booking the trip

    Before booking an international trip, there’s some research you can do to lay the foundation for success. This is a comprehensive list—I’m covering all bases. Take what you need from it.

  • EXCEPTIONAL EATERIES | Belle-Île-en-Mer | Citadelle Vauban

    EXCEPTIONAL EATERIES | Belle-Île-en-Mer | Citadelle Vauban

    One of the most unusual hotels I’ve stayed in was also the location of an incredible, exceptional restaurant – but before I tell you about the restaurant, I must first describe the journey to get to this unique location. I took two trains, one bus, and a ferry from Paris to Belle-Île-en-Mer, an island off…

  • Eye on Design | Belle-Île-en-Mer | La Marinière

    Eye on Design | Belle-Île-en-Mer | La Marinière

    Coco Chanel made nautical stripes, la marinière, fashionable after she saw the fishermen on the beaches of Deauville, France wearing them.  In Belle-Île, la marinière is practically the dress code.  I couldn’t get enough…

  • Belle-Île-en-Mer | Journey Across an Island

    Belle-Île-en-Mer | Journey Across an Island

    It started out as an interesting excursion…a visit to the studio of an artist who makes tiny ships out of mussel shells.  It turned out to be yet another unanticipated adventure.

  • Belle-Île-en-Mer | Frites

    Belle-Île-en-Mer | Frites

    Check out the variety, and unique names, for all the sizes of french fries at this sandwicherie along the Belle-Île harbor.  By the way, I saw the “familiale size” and it would feed a village. 

  • Belle-Île-en-Mer: The First Day

    Belle-Île-en-Mer: The First Day

    Today I took two trains, one bus, and a ferry from Paris to Belle-Île-en-Mer, an island off the coast of Brittany.  I left my hotel in Paris at 8:00 a.m. and arrived in Belle-Île-en-Mer at 3 p.m.  Here is the tale of my journey, and my first day on the island.